MEChA de UChicago

UChicago MEChA

Who is M.E.Ch.A?

El Movimiento Estudiantil Chican@ de Aztlan (M.E.Ch.A) is part of a larger movement and our specific M.E.Ch.A. chapter is both an activist and cultural recognized student organization, that uses community service, political involvement and education as a means for change. M.E.Ch.A. is not only open to Chicana/o or Latina/o students but also to anyone who identifies with and commits themselves to promoting culture, history and higher education as devices of change among the oppressed.

Our weekly meetings are held every Tuesday at 7:00PM in OMSA: 5710 S. Woodlawn

Donations are always welcome! Mail checks to 5706 S. University Ave. Chicago, IL 60637
Payable to: The University of Chicago- M.E.Ch.A

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Mecha in Action!

This month of May, we are hosting our very own version of Latino Heritage month! We will be hosting an event each week in commemoration to our culture and mission! Make sure to stay tuned to all our updates! Facebook events link:

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