MEChA de UChicago

UChicago MEChA

Who is M.E.Ch.A?

El Movimiento Estudiantil Chican@ de Aztlan (M.E.Ch.A) is part of a larger movement and our specific M.E.Ch.A. chapter is both an activist and cultural recognized student organization, that uses community service, political involvement and education as a means for change. M.E.Ch.A. is not only open to Chicana/o or Latina/o students but also to anyone who identifies with and commits themselves to promoting culture, history and higher education as devices of change among the oppressed.

Our weekly meetings are held every Tuesday at 7:00PM in OMSA: 5710 S. Woodlawn

Donations are always welcome! Mail checks to 5706 S. University Ave. Chicago, IL 60637
Payable to: The University of Chicago- M.E.Ch.A

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Chavez-Huerta Week Kicks Off!

A week-long celebration commemorating the lives of Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta, two individuals who's fight for justice for the Latino community of the 60s continues to inspire the Latino communities of today.

Thursday April 2nd Immigrant Bashing: Human and Civil Rights Violations in the U.S.A. Today
A teach-in by the Latino Union of Chicago 7:30pm @ OMSA 5710 Woodlawn

Monday April 6th 
The Bandana Project: Sexual Exploitation of Farmworker Women
6:00 @ OMSA Community Lounge

Monday April 6th
What is a Chicano?
A Panel on Chicano Identity
7:00 @ OMSA Community Lounge

Wednesday April 8th
Dolores Huerta: A Woman in Pursuit of Justice 
MEChA's Cesar Chavez-Dolores Huerta Keynote Speaker
7pm-9pm @ Social Sciences Rm 122 

Dolores Huerta herself is our keynote speaker for Chavez-Huerta 2009! Don't miss seeing one of the most influential members of the Latino community in her first visit to the University of Chicago campus! Labor activist, community organizer, and immigrant rights advocate, Dolores Huerta is one of the most prominent figures in Chicano history and U.S. labor right's history. 

In 1962 she, along with Cesar Chavez, founded the United Farm Worker's Association, one of the first successful farm worker unions. Once a key organizer behind the grape boycott of 1965 that resulted in the first successful farm worker contract, Dolores Huerta continues to fight for immigrants in the U.S. through her foundation, advocating for sustainable communities and their pursuit for social justice.

Tuesday April 7th
Dreaming of Higher EducationA DREAM Act Informational
6:30 @ OMSA 5710

Thursday April 9thArte Popular: Activism Through Art
5:30-7:30 @ SMART Museum

Friday April 10th
Movie Night
Screening of "The Fight in the Fields"
6pm @ OMSA 5710